Biomarkers of Reproductive Health in Wildlife and Techniques for their Assessment

One of the coolest things I get to do is serve as a Board Member and Treasurer for the International Society of Wildlife Endocrinology (ISWE). I’ve been a member since the group’s inception in 2010. At the time, I was a Doctoral Fellow at the Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute working under the mentorship of elephant expert and reproductive physiologist, Dr. Janine Brown. I was lucky enough to attend the brainstorming meeting that brought together the world’s best wildlife endocrinologists. It should be noted, I was not one of them. Nevertheless, from that incredible gathering, ISWE was born.

After more than a decade, I’m happy to report that I am still working in the field and with this amazing organization. In 2023, past and current Board members came together to co-author a paper for an issue of Theriogenology Wild dedicated to Wildlife Endocrinology. The article, Biomarkers of Reproductive Health in Wildlife and Techniques for their Assessment, was the culmination of work by colleagues from FIVE continents! We definitely put the International in International Society. I am truly honored to call these wonderful humans my colleagues and friends. Enjoy!

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